end of third day of ITP.
packer job. WORST nightmare come true..
wad the hell does packing magazine got to do with DBIT
totally bullshit lors.. stupid company.
did so much data entry
that it becomes a norm alrdy.. in this zzz company.
torturing each and everyone.. even full timers
guess wad the hierarchy in this company is.?
BOSS - den all cheap labours.
mean is the keyword . MEAN BOSS
hiring ITP students x5.. wan us doubley speed efforts
good efforts, excellent standard.
YA AS IF HER EXCELLENT is even standard anyway..
did our best alrdy still moan here and there
did out best alrdy still comment until we are worthless
kaos.. if not for the ITP report..
i'd not stand her nonsense.
32 days of torture remaining.